Produkty dla la formuła (344)

FORMUŁA ZŁOTA ETAP 2 --6-12 MIESIĘCY - mleko modyfikowane dla niemowląt zawierające prebiotyki i nukleotydy dla 6-12 MIESIĘCY

FORMUŁA ZŁOTA ETAP 2 --6-12 MIESIĘCY - mleko modyfikowane dla niemowląt zawierające prebiotyki i nukleotydy dla 6-12 MIESIĘCY

Gold Formula, the ultimate baby formula that contains Prebiotics and Nucleotides. Additionally, we have added Probiotics which are key player in preventing intestinal infections and reduce risk of allergic reactions. Also added are DHA/ARA to contribute to the healthy development of baby’s brain and vision. Furthermore, we have added Bifidobacteria to balance the intestinal flora and help develop healthy immune systems. Size:400gm Packing in carton:12x400gm tinplate can:inside plain, outside white fond+ 4 colour CLOSURE:easy open Cap :Plastic Carton:Brown Origin:European Origin Minimum quantity of order:20ft Dry container One container quantity :1440 cartons (12x400gm)
Badania i rozwój formuł dostosowanych R&D

Badania i rozwój formuł dostosowanych R&D

In Silcep, il nostro laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo è dedicato alla creazione di nuove formule cosmetiche personalizzate per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dei nostri clienti. Grazie a un team di esperti formulatori e all'uso di materie prime di alta qualità, sviluppiamo prodotti innovativi e sicuri, seguendo le più recenti tendenze del settore e rispettando le normative internazionali. Lavoriamo a stretto contatto con i clienti per trasformare le loro idee in soluzioni concrete, offrendo un servizio completo e su misura, dal concept iniziale fino alla fase di produzione.
Mleko Modyfikowane Cow&gate

Mleko Modyfikowane Cow&gate

Cow&gate Infant Formula
Krem Rozjaśniający do Twarzy SPF30+ 50 ml - Kremy do Twarzy

Krem Rozjaśniający do Twarzy SPF30+ 50 ml - Kremy do Twarzy

Die Gesichtsaufhellungscreme SPF+30 50 ml ist ein wirksames Hautpflegeprodukt, das mit seiner speziellen Formel Schutz vor den schädlichen Auswirkungen der Sonne bietet und dabei hilft, den Hautton auszugleichen und das Auftreten von Flecken zu reduzieren. Artikelnummer:30214
TAN TAN – Zrzuć swoje Opaleniznę – 30ml - Opalanie

TAN TAN – Zrzuć swoje Opaleniznę – 30ml - Opalanie

Will give you a nice tanned complexion. To be mixed with your daily care (face cream/oil) With this treatment, you choose the tanning result you want. The more drops you add, the more sunkissed you look. Ultra-light, quick-drying formula. For face and body. VEGAN formula – DHA of 100% NATURAL origin. Paraben-free, palm oil-free, mineral oil-free and sulfate-free. Directions: Apply to clean, exfoliated and dry skin. Face and décolleté: Mix 2 to 4 drops with your moisturizer or serum 2 to 3 drops = healthy glow 4 drops = sunny complexion Body : Mix 4 to 6 drops per body part with your body lotion. 4 to 5 drops = healthy glow


The very first step of every cosmetics registration in Europe starts with the full assessment of the formula of the product to confirm it meets the EU requirements. During this step, our Safety Assessors will: - Check all documents related to the ingredient (MSDS/COA/Non-animal testing/IFRA, etc.). - Verify that the ingredients do not have restrictions established by European regulations and that the limits of use (if there are any) are in compliance. - Check that the ingredients used are suitable for cosmetics (cosmetic grade ingredients). - Check the toxicological profile of each ingredient. - Verify if the ingredient contains any impurity. - Check the SCCS opinions, industry guidelines and other regulations (REACH, CLP). - Calculate the MoS (Margin of Safety) for each ingredient and/or search for supporting documents (reliable literature) that declare each ingredient safe at the added dose in the finished product.
Męska Formuła T 6 Kapsułek 60

Męska Formuła T 6 Kapsułek 60

Active in every part of life – avoid testosterone deficiency Information from specialist literature for the use of Men’s Formula T6 Men’s Formula T 6: Activated fenugreek contains 185mg steroidal saponin Testosterone – the important hormone for men – vitality, vigour, and productivity Among the main reasons for a loss of vitality and libido is a reduction in the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone controls sexuality, fertility, energy, and power. It is responsible for an increase in muscle mass and muscle power. Testosterone encourages burning fat and is important for bones and joints. Skin and hair also benefit from testosterone. What is crucial, however, is not just the testosterone level but the availability of ‘free’ testosterone. This part in particular is active and effective. The processed, activated fenugreek extract with a high level of steroidal saponins in the Men’s Formula T6 increases the amount of free testosterone in the body naturally.
Mleka i preparaty następne - Żywienie niemowląt

Mleka i preparaty następne - Żywienie niemowląt

A partir de 6 mois, les préparations de suite 2 ème âge s’intègreront parfaitement au sein de l’alimentation diversifiée des nourrissons jusqu’à 1 an.
Żywienie dorosłych - Formuła MAMA dla kobiet w ciąży i karmiących

Żywienie dorosłych - Formuła MAMA dla kobiet w ciąży i karmiących

Notre formule Mama est spécialement formulée pour apporter au bébé tous les éléments et nutriments essentiels à son développement au cours de la grossesse et lors de l'allaitement : - Source de fer pour prévenir les carences - Enrichi en DHA pour le bon développement des fonctions cérébrales et visuelles - Source d'acide folique pour prévenir d'éventuelles anomalies du tube neural - Enrichi en probiotiques et prébiotiques pour réguler le transit intestinal Pour plus d'informations sur nos capacités, n’hésitez pas à vous rendre sur notre site internet et à nous contacter.
Zamiennik posiłku - Formuła 1

Zamiennik posiłku - Formuła 1

Sostituto del pasto formula 1
Aptamil Mulipa, Pepti, Profutura Aptamil Pro - Mleko i produkty dla niemowląt

Aptamil Mulipa, Pepti, Profutura Aptamil Pro - Mleko i produkty dla niemowląt

We are European top baby food formula distributor. Contact For Details. Top Quality Milk & Dairy. Top Quality Baby Food. We Ship Worldwide. Making the right feeding choices for you and your baby. With over 25 years of experience in baby nutrition, our passionate team of over 50 paediatricians, nutritionists and scientists, continue to take inspiration from the benefits of nature, to develop our unique formulas, tailored to support your baby's nutritional needs at every stage of development. Contact us for details on our Milk and infant food products .
Formuła Mleka dla Niemowląt Aptamil / Aptamil Profutura Mleko Następne

Formuła Mleka dla Niemowląt Aptamil / Aptamil Profutura Mleko Następne

Aptamil Baby Milk Formula / Aptamil Profutura Folgemilch erhältlich - Aptamil Säuglingsmilchpulver 1. Deutsche Herkunft 2. 900 GM 3. 6 Dosen pro Karton Produkteigenschaft Wir liefern aus dem Aptamil Milchpulver mit allen Stufen Paket: 6 Dosen pro Karton Für das Gewicht des neuen Pakets: Stufe 1 Erstes Milchpulver: 900g Stufe 2 Hungriges Milchpulver: 900g Stufe 3 Folgemilchpulver: 900g AUCH 3 STUFEN VON KUH UND GATE AUCH Alle Produkte haben eine Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Für die Lieferung an einen internationalen Hafen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte für ein wettbewerbsfähiges Angebot von unserem empfohlenen Spediteur
Mleko Następcze - Suplement Diety Mleko Następcze

Mleko Następcze - Suplement Diety Mleko Następcze

Süt bazlı bebek maması Sağlıklı Nesiller Sağlıklı Gelecek sloganıyla bebeklerin beslenme ihtiyaçlarından ilham alan Bebehum markası, konusunda uzman üniversite akademisyenleri ve gıda mühendisleri tarafından donanımlı Ar-Ge laboratuvarlarında Türkiye'de üretilmektedir. Ürünlerimiz HELAL, ISO 22000, HACCP Sertifikalarına sahiptir. 400 gr, 800 gr ve 1200 gr olarak farklı ambalajlarda mevcuttur. 1-5 yaş Bebehum bebek ve devam sütü çeşitlerimiz mevcuttur. İçeriğindeki demir ve kalsiyum ile bebeğin kemik gelişimine katkı sağlar. Demir, çinko, iyot ve B12 içeriği ile bebeğin beyin gelişimine katkı sağlar. İçerdiği C ve D vitaminleri ile bebeğin diş sağlığında çok önemli rol oynar. Potasyum içeriği ile vücudun su dengesini kontrol ederek kan basıncının düzenlenmesine, kalp ritmine ve kas fonksiyonlarının gelişimine katkıda bulunur.
Badania i Rozwój Nowej Spersonalizowanej Formuły

Badania i Rozwój Nowej Spersonalizowanej Formuły

Creating a new product or line of products can be a daunting task for any company, no matter the size. Research and development is a key factor in the success of any new product. We have experienced professionals with pharmaceutical background, in the industry and can help with anything from formulating new products to finding the right packaging. We will develop new formulas that will be natural, without preservatives, GMOs, petroleum derivates (e.g., Vaseline, etc.). The process of creating a new product starts with an idea or a need. Our experts will then work closely with the client to bring that idea to life. Once the product is created, we will work with the client to fine-tune the formula and make sure that it is perfect. After the product is created, the work does not stop! We will also help with things like finding the right packaging and labeling. We want to be an integral part of client's company. We are more than just a supplier!
Aptamil Mleko w Proszku - Aptamil mleko dla niemowląt, Aptamil mleko modyfikowane, Aptamil Mleko w Proszku

Aptamil Mleko w Proszku - Aptamil mleko dla niemowląt, Aptamil mleko modyfikowane, Aptamil Mleko w Proszku

Australia Aptamil 900g Aptamil Profutura 1 Aptamil Profutura 2 Aptamil Profutura 3 Aptamil Profutura 4 Aptamil Profutura Pre DuoAdvance Aptamil Profutura 1 DuoAdvance German Aptamil 800g
Formuła Na Czas

Formuła Na Czas

Accès à une salle de réunion où un bureau privatif Wifi & connexion par câble Café/eau Capacité de 1 à 14 personnes Pas de supplément par personne Tarif membre
Aptamil 1: Mleko modyfikowane 0-6 miesięcy

Aptamil 1: Mleko modyfikowane 0-6 miesięcy

Guigoz Mleko Modyfikowane dla Niemowląt 3 Wzrost Ekologiczne od 10 miesiąca do 3 lat | 800g

Guigoz Mleko Modyfikowane dla Niemowląt 3 Wzrost Ekologiczne od 10 miesiąca do 3 lat | 800g

Introducing Guigoz Baby Milk Formula 3 Growing Up Organic, the perfect nourishing companion for your little one’s remarkable journey from 10 months to 3 years old. Crafted with utmost care and precision, this 800g tin is a treasure trove of wholesome goodness that ensures your child’s growth and development are nurtured to perfection. Created with love and driven by a commitment to excellence, Guigoz Baby Milk Formula 3 is carefully formulated to cater to the unique needs of growing toddlers. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, it is a delectable blend that empowers your little explorer to embrace the world with boundless energy and confidence. With every sip, your child will relish the creamy texture and delightful taste, making mealtime a joyous occasion. Crafted with organic ingredients, this formula promises purity and safety, providing your little one with all the nourishment they need for their active and curious minds.
Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance 1 Mleko dla Niemowląt od Urodzenia

Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance 1 Mleko dla Niemowląt od Urodzenia

Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance 1 Anfangsmilch von Geburt an ist eine Säuglingsnahrung, die für Babys von Geburt an geeignet ist. Sie ist so konzipiert, dass sie die notwendigen Nährstoffe für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung Ihres Babys liefert. Laut Hersteller enthält Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance 1 Anfangsmilch von Geburt an eine einzigartige Mischung von Inhaltsstoffen, die Präbiotika, Nukleotide und langkettige mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren (LCP) enthält.
Guigoz Evolia mleko modyfikowane dla niemowląt 1 | 800g

Guigoz Evolia mleko modyfikowane dla niemowląt 1 | 800g

Wir stellen vor: Guigoz Evolia Babymilchnahrung 1 | 800g – Nahrung und Liebe in jedem Schluck! Geben Sie Ihrem kostbaren Freudenbündel den besten Start ins Leben mit Guigoz Evolia Babymilchnahrung 1. Diese außergewöhnliche Formel wurde mit größter Sorgfalt und jahrelanger Erfahrung hergestellt und ist darauf ausgelegt, die einzigartigen Ernährungsbedürfnisse Ihres Kleinen in den kritischen ersten Wachstumsphasen zu erfüllen .
Mleko Modyfikowane dla Niemowląt Enfamil

Mleko Modyfikowane dla Niemowląt Enfamil

Enfamil Infant Formula 354g is complete nutrition tailored to meet the nutritional needs of infants through 12 months of age. It features choline and Omega-3 DHA—two important brain-nourishing nutrients for your baby—and has a blend of two prebiotics to help support your baby’s own natural defenses. Enfamil is the #1 pediatrician-recommended formula bran.
Imunoalfa - innowacyjna formuła, która wzmacnia układ odpornościowy

Imunoalfa - innowacyjna formuła, która wzmacnia układ odpornościowy

International gold medal for innovation of a high quality natural supplement - IMUNOALFA – an international awarded gold medal for innovation of a high quality nutrition supplement product with an innovative formula that contributes to your immune enhancement. It contains only natural ingredients for a strong immune system such as goat and mare milk and medicinal plants of the Mediterranean climate: coriander, betony, lemon balm leaf, mother of thyme, blue chicory. Since goat and mare (horse) milk are not available for consumption at all times, we decided to create an innovative natural formula: IMUNOALFA pills strengthens the immune system. IMUNOALFA is a desirable addition to the treatment of diseases such as allergies, bronchitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, rhinitis .. Numerous and relevant studies unanimously confirm the benefits of goat and mare milk – that it reduces inflammation which is already in your body and much more. Goat and Mare milk are very close to a mother’s milk, making it easy to be digested and assimilated in the human body.
Nutrilon mleko dla niemowląt

Nutrilon mleko dla niemowląt

Nutrilon Infant Formula Baby Milkpowder Standard-1 Nutrilon Standard 1 is a complete milk-based infant formula and can be used from birth, also in combination with breastfeeding. Nutrilon Standard 1 contains a mix of the fibres GOS:FOS, nucleotides and DHA. Nutrition FactsPer 3/4 cup (175g) PLEASE LEAVE US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS SO WE CAN SEND OUT QUOTE FAST.


Olej wysokowydajny SAE 10W-40 - Q8 Formula Advanced 10W40

Olej wysokowydajny SAE 10W-40 - Q8 Formula Advanced 10W40

Huile haute performance SAE 10W-40 formulée avec des huiles de base hydrocrackées. APPLICATION • Pour voitures et véhicules utilitaires équipés de moteurs 4-temps modernes à essence, GPL et diesel, à aspiration naturelle ou compressée. • Q8 Formula Advanced est recommandée comme huile moteur lorsqu'une des spécifications ci-après est exigée pour définir la qualité du lubrifiant. SPECIFICATIONS • ACEA A3, B3, B4 • API SL/CF • ILSAC GF-3 • MB 229.1 • VW 501.01, 505.00 AVANTAGES • SAE 10W-40 utilisable en toutes saisons. • Bonne fluidité à basse température pour protéger le moteur lors des démarrages à froid. • Bonne protection du moteur grâce à un ensemble bien équilibré d'additifs détergents et dispersants. • Excellente protection contre l'usure augmentant la durée de vie du moteur. • Excellente protection contre la rouille et la corrosion. • Résistance élevée contre l'oxydation et l'épaississement de l'huile.


Cette solution incolore dispose d’une formule efficace n’attirant pas la saleté et fournissant une excellente lubrification tout en protégeant contre l’humidité. Le Lubrifiant au Silicone empêche les pièces mobiles de bloquer et résiste aux fortes pressions et aux températures élevées. Avantages du produit Supporte des températures allant de -35 °C à +200 °C Extrêmement efficace pour prolonger la durée d’utilisation des composants en caoutchouc. Conçu pour resister aux fortes pressions Fournit une excellente lubrification. N’attire pas la saleté. Protège les composants de l’humidité. Le Spray Double Position offre plus de flexibilité grâce à sa pulvérisation large et précise. Avec la valve à 360 ° qui permet une utilisation à la verticale ou à l’envers, chaque tâche devient réalisable. Recommandé pour : Loquets de portes et fenêtres en PVC Chemins de roulement de porte de garage Moulinets de pêche Raccords de plomberie Joints de portières et de fenêtres de voiture
Mleko dla niemowląt - Medyczne i Farmaceutyczne

Mleko dla niemowląt - Medyczne i Farmaceutyczne

EVAL is already used world-wide to improve the safety, shelf life and process efficiency of packaging for baby food and other infant formulas. With a reliable performance, shelf-stable packaging can be designed to safely limit the total amount of oxygen ingress. Quality is assured and shelf life is extended, notably by protecting fat and vitamin content against oxidation. Additional safety and extended shelf life with oxygen scavenger For the most oxygen-sensitive products, EVALâ„¢ grades with oxygen scavenging capacity can create a negative oxygen increase, providing extra safety margins and extending product shelf life.